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Support for our community Museum!

As an Alberta Museums Association recognized museum we are able to apply for funds through this association.  With their operational staffing and professional development grants the SDHS can focus on the administration, collection, and operations of the museum. 

We are always thankful for the money we receive from the Canadian Federal Government for our annual Winterfest, family day celebrations held each February. This grant is provided to us via the Building Communities through Arts and Hertitage program. In addition, we thank them for the additional “Celebrate Canada” monies which were used for our annual Canada Day Celebrations and Indigenous Peoples Day, which help to provide fun, family friendly activities for over 1000 residents and visitors each year. 


In 2019 we were able to replace the roof on our reception gallery and world of wildlife exhibit thanks to the small stream Community Facility Enhancement Grant (CFEP). We want to thank our government for the opportunity to support our mission to ensure a safe and educational place to enjoy tangible and intangible cultural heritage. 


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The Town of Sundre and Mountain View County provide necessary funding to us each and every year through the recreation and culture grant. Without them our museum would not be able to host the events we do now.


In addition, opportunities like the #ExploreSundre campaign:

a partnership between the Town of Sundre, Travel Alberta and the Historical society, have allowed us to reach new heights in our marketing sphere. We look forward to collaborating with them each year. 

We want to thank Shell Canada for their continued support for a number of community events. Their grant opportunities allow us to ensure our facility is safe for everyone.


We want to thank the Sundre Elks BPO #338 along with the Sundre Lions Club for all their financial support for annual events like Winterfest. They assist us in providing youth activities safe and fun for the whole family. 


Helping us with our everyday maintenance needs. We thank these local businesses for their continued support, discounts and overall amazing customer service. 


Our local supporters do so much for us each and every day. From volunteer time, product loans, monetary donations and price reductions we wouldn't be able to do what we do without their support. We encourage you to CHECK them out next time you're in our beautiful community. 


We appreciate the discount this great store continues to provide us.

We give a big shout out to our friends at Sundre Contracting for assisting us in a village project. The aggregate you donated along with delivery helps make our museum safe for guests and staff. 

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We want to thank Jaime Marr for her support in managing our website. 

Our facility has an amazing one of a kind black iron fence surrounding the village. We thank Capital Pressure for supplying the vacuum truck so we can dig holes for the fence, and we thank Steve and his crew at S & S Masonry for donating the cement needed to stabilize the gate posts. If you haven't viewed this amazing project we invite you to CLICK HERE to see what all the talk is about. 


We want to thank Maarty and his wife for their continued support of our museum. They provide excellent support at a wonderful rate. 


Thank you for your  monetary donation! 


Thank You!

Phone: 403.638.3233         Fax: 403.638.3295         E-Mail:        Address: 211 - 1st Ave SW Sundre, Alberta

Our facilities take a minimum of one hour to tour so we truly recommend scheduling your visit with this in mind.

Regular Business Hours
are Tuesday - Saturday. 10 am - 5 pm 

Please note: As a rural museum we can sometimes close due to weather or staffing so if you are travelling feel free to call ahead to avoid any disappointment.

Family $30

Adults $10

Seniors (65+) $8

Youth (6-17): $8

5 & under: FREE

Donation cheques can be mailed to:

Box 314 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0

E-Transfers to:

No charge for veterans 

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 No charge for  CANOO members

(New Canadians)

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Our facility is accessible for those with limited physical mobility

The Sundre & District Historical Society would like to acknowledge that the Sundre & District Museum is located on Treaty 6 and 7 territories which have been the traditional meeting ground, gathering place and travelling route for the Blackfoot Confederacy, Tsuu t'ina, Stoney Nakota and the Otipemiswak Battle River Territory District 3 Métis. We also wish to publicly acknowledge the many First Nations, Métis and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.

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